Thursday, October 07, 2021

"Who is Your Cyrus?"

Isaiah 46.11 NASU

“Calling a bird of prey from the east,

The man of My purpose from a far country.

Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass.

I have planned it, surely I will do it.”

Cyrus was “the man of [God’s] purpose from a far country.” God used him to deliver Israel from Babylonian bondage. Cyrus was the pagan king of Persia whom the Lord chose to play a central role in the unfolding drama of Jewish dispersion history:

“Thus says the LORD to Cyrus His anointed... ‘For the sake of Jacob My servant,
and Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name;
I have given you a title of honor though you have not known Me.’”
Isaiah 45.1, 4 NASU

Around 539 B.C. Persia overthrew Babylon and king Cyrus gave Jewish exiles their freedom to return to Israel after seventy years of Babylonian captivity.

Have you encountered “a bird of prey from the east” or  person “of [God’s] purpose from a far country?” This is the biblical equivalent to Cyrus; that is, an individual called by God to do or say something helpful in your life. He’s the last guy you would expect it from. He is not a Christ-follower, yet his wisdom is undeniable and his words are timely. He brings deliverance to you in a time of crisis. He is your Persian king redeemer.

The story of Balaam’s donkey is recorded in Numbers, chapter 22. God opened the mouth of a beast of burden to speak words which saved the prophet’s life. I’m sure Balaam was surprised when his donkey talked. I’m likewise surprised whenever an ass speaks to me, less by the fact that donkeys can talk than by the helpful things they have to say. The king of Persia, Balaam’s donkey, or people who “have not known the Lord... God performs on our behalf in mysterious ways through those we least expect.

Who is your Cyrus? 



Kelly L said...

I know exactly what you mean..

davescriven said...

Thanks Kelly.