Isaiah 43.18-19 NASB

Or ponder things of the past.
“Behold, I will do something new,
Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
“I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert.”
I was a young pastor at the Presbyterian Church in Black Diamond, Washington in the mid-eighties. It was there and then I met Dick Mills. The guy was a pretty incredible and gifted personality. Dick was a traveling prophet. From the pulpit, he called out specific people in the congregation whom he had neither met nor previously seen. Asking them to stand to their feet, Dick called out Scriptures from a wealth of memorized verses and personalized them for the people he addressed. I watched these folks crumble under the amazing accuracy and power of God’s Word from this servant of the Lord. Some would quiver and cry. Others raised their hands and softly murmured, “Thank you, Jesus.” I’m not the only one who admired this man...
“Dick Mills has one of the most unique ministries of any man of God I know in the world...He has been used of God to bring deep spiritual blessings at crucial times in my own life, and I am sure this is true of tens of thousands of others around the country.” ~ Pat Robertson of the 700 Club
“Dick Mills has been prepared and gifted by God to speak clearly and powerfully prophetic words of truth. He edifies, exhorts, and encourages those who have ‘ears to hear’ the world over.” ~ Dean Jones, actor
“For my part, Dick Mills' character, ministry in the Word of God and prophetic gift continue to define the ministry of a prophet to the Body of Christ.” ~ Jack Hayford, pastor Church On The Way, Van Nuys, CA
“Dick Mills is a man who has a word from God for people who have been hurt, trampled on, or just seeking direction.” ~ Larry Goshorn, CEO Global Digital Satellite Systems, Inc.
I invited Mr. Mills to speak at my church somewhere around 1980. After the services I had lunch with Dick and his wife Betty. I casually commented that Dick must get very tired traveling the country on a demanding schedule and ministering with such intensity. “On the contrary,” Dick replied (with words something like), “I never get tired sharing these insights with God’s children. Jesus placed them in my heart and I have to hurry and get them out to as many people as I possibly can.”
Dick died in April, 2012 at the age of ninety. His legacy lives on through his son, David, and grandsons, Judah and Blake. The prophetic word he gave me nearly forty years ago is still fresh and meaningful to me. I was twenty-seven years old when Dick quoted Isaiah 43 to me. Somehow I knew this Scripture would come true in my life and it has... over and over again.
I re-read Isaiah 43.18-19 this morning and smiled as I thought of old prophet Dick. I’ve made many transitions, some of them difficult, but I always knew God would “do something new.” I did not need to “ponder things of the past.” I could always hold my head high and walk confidently on “a roadway in the wilderness” and drink life-giving water from “rivers in the desert.”
Thank you Jesus, and thank you Dick.
I re-read Isaiah 43.18-19 this morning and smiled as I thought of old prophet Dick. I’ve made many transitions, some of them difficult, but I always knew God would “do something new.” I did not need to “ponder things of the past.” I could always hold my head high and walk confidently on “a roadway in the wilderness” and drink life-giving water from “rivers in the desert.”
Thank you Jesus, and thank you Dick.
For the latest on Dick Mills Ministry check out
I wish I could have known the man.
Larry E.
Mis queridos amigos he pasadoa desearos un feliz viernes y que tengais dulces sueños,Con cariño Victoria,desde España..besos
Thank you for your comment Victoria.
Thanks Larry E.
We don't get to Heaven by good works, or by being good enough. We can't. We have all sinned and are all imperfect, and cannot enter Heaven- a perfect place- on our own. It is only through Jesus's death and resurrection that we can have eternal life by asking His forgiveness and accepting Jesus as our personal Savior. We Don't Get To Heaven By Good Works
What a wonderful article you wrote. Thank you so much. I am his daughter and I can tell you he came alive when ministering to people. He loved it and definitely knew he was touching their hearts with the scriptural words he gave.
Our family misses him tremendously.
Psalm 78 - the chapter talks about sharing and teaching the wonderful things God has done to each generation ....lest they forget!
Boy that is my goal with our children and grandchildren and beyond.
Tell them, like my father did. The word of God is for right now. It is the
game plan for each of us.
It is good.
Thank you again for this wonderful article, I just stumbled upon it. It
has made me smile. And remember.
Debbie Mills Booth
Hi Debbie, I remember you fondly;there are many that miss your Dad. I loved him like a Dad, and your Mom too.When I need refreshment in the Holy Spirit,I read his books He was a Dad in Christ to many. I'm working now in prophetic intercession for revival. en agape, LoRee MacKay
Debbie at 22 years old, I heard your father speak when he came to the springs of living waters in Chico California. I was newly converted and clueless to the things of God and skeptical I might add. Your father came up to me and told me that I would have the gift of prophecy in my older years. I never thought much of it until the last few years, but your father spoke the truth. I am old now and the Lord is using me in this capacity. Just wanted to share that with you. ✝️🎺🍃Lynn
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