Wednesday, February 08, 2023

"Freedom from Guilt?... Priceless!"

Leviticus 5.4 NIV

“Or if a person thoughtlessly takes an oath to do anything, whether good or evil — in any matter one might carelessly swear about — even though he is unaware of it, in any case when he learns of it he will be guilty.”

About sixteen years ago, I was reading stories to my two youngest children who were then eight and five years old. I miss that happy nightly bedtime ritual. Tired from the end of a long day, I made a business proposal to the children. They could massage my weary feet for a wage of fifty cents each while I read to them. They agreed and readily fulfilled their part of the bargain. When we were done with stories and foot rubs, both kids excitedly asked about their money. I tucked them in bed, kissed them goodnight, and promised to pay them in the morning.

In the morning I forgot all about our little agreement. About a week later, one of them reminded me and I said, “Oh yeah. I’ve got to take care of that. I'll pay you soon.” I was busy, and again forgot.

Another month passed. I was reading the Bible as a part of my daily devotional routine when I stumbled upon these words from Leviticus:

“…if a person thoughtlessly takes an oath to do anything,…
in any matter one might carelessly swear about — even though he
is unaware of it,… when he learns of it he will be guilty.”

The Bible nailed me. For some reason, in that moment, I remembered my promise. I immediately felt “guilty” when it dawned on me I forgot to pay my little workers. I instantly located four quarters. At breakfast I announced to my children, “I have something for you.” My eight year old son quickly responded: “I know. You’re going to pay us our fifty cents!” I may have forgotten, but he certainly did not!

The guilt vanished the moment I handed over the money. It felt good to pay my debt. It was definitely worth a buck. Freedom from guilt is priceless... worth any amount of money.


The drawing of the parent reading to a child is used by permission from "First Steps A Parent Information Handbook" produced by Parents, Let's Unite for Kids (PLUK) and staff illustrator Karen Moses.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave. Good story about the foot rubs. By the time I'm reading stories, I've up for about 17 hours, so I can relate. (I hold out for a one minute back rub).

By the way, whatever you contracted last Sunday, I got it. Was out of work on Tuesday and Wednesday, So am a tad behind on my bible study.


davescriven said...

If you have what I had it will be gone in 24 hours. Get well quick!
