“If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
When I was a boy, my dad and little brother and I faithfully performed the ritual of “confession” every Saturday night in preparation for Mass the following day. Revealing my sins to a priest in a dark booth apparently absolved me of all past wrongdoing, granting me absolution, or clearance to receive the sacrament of holy communion on Sunday. I was required to recite a few “Hail Mary’s” and an “Our Father” or two and, after completing my penance, could leave the sanctuary free from adolescent sin.
Does this sound ridiculous? Did this weekend ritual truly cleanse my soul? As silly as it now seems, I then believed it did and I always felt better after confession.
Sin. What an ugly, unpopular, dirty little word. Except for many Roman Catholics (who privately discuss their personal sins with a priest on Saturday night) or certain Protestants (who willingly hear of their sins from the pulpit on Sunday morning), people will not tolerate the idea. The concept of “sin” is offensive to progressive thinkers and never used in polite conversation. The very word is nearly unspeakable and banned to the ‘island of forbidden subject matter’ along with other very bad words like “guilt,” “holy,” “Jesus,” and “discipline.”
Sin, however, is a reality, a dark one, whether we accept it or not. All of us have some of it residing in the inky and gloomy crevices of our souls. John said if we deny it we are self-deceived. He also assured Christ-followers that “the blood of Jesus… cleanses us from all sin” (1st John 1.7), a reality which may be ours through the regular practice of humble confession.
I probably felt better as a boy on Saturday nights for a reason.
An interesting paragraph by John:
Verses 5-7. John talks about walking in the darkness. Based on this passage, it is unclear if walking in the darkness refers to not being saved, or if it refers to being saved, but continuing in a life of sin. John appears to go back and forth on this topic, and to be honest, I have some difficulty with his terminology throughout the book.
All of us sin. Some a little and some alot. Even John states this. In verse 7, he states: "but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin."
From this passage I assume John considers non-believers/those who do not admit to having sin as those who walk in darkness. I find it also interesting that he states we "have fellowship with one another." This statement also seems to suggest that John is separating believers (part of the body) from non-believers (not part of the body) as a basis for his darkness/light analogy.
Any thoughts, Dave?
By the way, was not aware of your Catholic background. Was impressed that you knew all 7 sacraments. Have a great Tuesday, Dave.
Thanks Jim. My only thoughts are that I am glad that you are searching the scriptures and finding menaing. I love investigating the truth in the Word. You are my fellow Word Traveler.
I think you are right about the separation and distinction made between light/believers and darkness/unbelievers.
Your Brother,
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