Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Romans 10.19 “The Message”

“Moses had it right when he predicted, ‘When you see God reach out to those you consider your inferiors – outsiders! – you’ll become insanely jealous. When you see God reach out to people you think are religiously stupid, you’ll throw temper tantrums.’”

Moses. Isaiah. Paul. They all preached the Universal Love of God (Romans 10.12, 19, 20). No one is beneath God’s dignity. No one is beyond His reach. No one is lost for good… unless they want to be. But why would they want to be? Why would anyone want to remain untouched by the All-Encompassing Love of an almighty and compassionate God? 

People want God’s love and doubters need to be informed, just as the Bible says...

“For ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? 
And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? 
And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”

 Romans 10.13-14 NLT

Maybe people just need an opportunity to trust Jesus. Could they be waiting for me to bring the message? Am I resistant to share the truth with those who think and behave differently than me? Am I prone to pass judgment on outsiders? Have I developed a holier-than-thou attitude? Do I believe, “They’re pagans in fast pursuit of hedonistic pleasures. They obviously want nothing to do with Jesus. Their behavior is deplorable. Disgusting.”

It’s not easy to extend the Love of God to all people at all times. I once channel surfed to a public access TV show featuring a gay pride parade in Seattle’s Fremont district. Supporters cheered a troupe of naked bicyclists who had painted their exposed bodies with flamboyant and colorful designs. What would you think if you were taking your family for a neighborhood stroll and saw that? 

Perhaps we forgot…
  • Jesus died because He loved the naked gay guy on a bicycle as much as you and me.
  • Every behavior is either an act of love or a cry for love.
  • God has plenty of love to spare.
God, deliver me from the attitude of religious superiority that grants me permission to conclude You love me and people like me more than those I consider to be unworthy “outsiders.” Broaden my mental boundaries. Increase my capacity to love. Surprise me by an act of Your Universal Love.

Photos above are of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride March in New York City on June 26, 2005 by photographer Don Wiss (http://donwiss.com/pictures/) and used here with his permission.


Anonymous said...

Dave, bless you! I am often uncomfortable when I'm sitting in the company of brothers and one of them makes an intolerant comment. It's not that he has to tolerate every behavior. It's that he seems to miss that God loves the naked guy on the bicycle in the same way that he loves the brother speaking. And that most likely the speaker has behaviors and attitudes which offend God just as much as the naked bicycle rider!

davescriven said...

Right On! Thanks for your insight. I agree with you completely. Dave

One Sided said...

God loves. In that love he guides, corrects admonishes, showing us how to conform to His way.
While we should not cast clothing at the gay naked cyclist. We should not turn a blind eye to the offense.
Believers should have lined the streets holding signs saying God Loves you so I love you , Put some clothing on and lets talk.

Anonymous said...

Great prayer for tolerance and expectancy! Thanks for holding a lens that I might see myself more clearly . . .