“In that day,” declares the Lord Almighty, “the peg driven into the firm place will give way; it will be sheared off and will fall, and the load hanging on it will be cut down.”
We depend on each other. I depend on farmers to grow food and grocers to stock it. The president of my company must manage well so I get a paycheck when I deserve one. I am depending on that. I also depend on friends and loved ones to stand by me in desperate times.
But what happens when it doesn’t work that way, when people who claim their devotion, let you down? They were driven “like a peg into a firm place” in your heart. You hung your hopes and ambitions on their promises to perform. You placed your trust, loyalty, and needs in their capable hands. You thought they had your best interest in mind. You gave them your money and energy, your future and your love. You had a legitimate expectation of a return on your emotional investment. But something happened. It didn’t work out.
The world is full of wounded people whose trust was violated. They innocently hung garments of desire on the broken pegs of false promises. When the peg came loose, so did their dreams. All that was left were old rags on a dirty floor.
What happens when the one you loved and depended on dies? They treated you right but, through no fault of their own, they went away. Now what? Shock and denial may turn to fear, anger, and depression. You might even have feelings of Divine betrayal like Jesus who, while hanging by nails on a filthy cross, cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
It’s hard to trust again. But trust we must. We have to depend on each other. Pick up the rags of your torn life. Clean and patch them. Hang them on a new, stronger, and better peg. Trust Him who will never let you down. Pick up the pieces of your broken life and try again.
“For the Scriptures tell us that no one
who believes in Christ will ever be disappointed.”
Romans 10:11 The Living Bible
The oil painting above is called "Broken Hearts - Shattered Dreams" is by an amazing artist Rebecca Graves and used here by permission. You can view and purchase her work at Town and Country Fine Art Center in Kettering, Ohio or online at http://rebeccagraves.fineartstudioonline.com/.
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