“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.
“How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;”
There is no virtue or lasting spiritual benefit from the simple act of procreation. Virtually anyone past the age of puberty can make love and make babies. That’s not hard to do. There are plenty of emotionally deadbeat moms and dads who do not qualify for God’s promise of parental blessing even if their “quiver is full” of kids. Having children is one thing. Raising “them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6.4) is quite another.
“Children are a gift” but only if they are received as as gift. It is possible to miss out on the joy children are intended to bring a family. Their unique contribution is lost in the busy-ness of other so-called priorities. Parents should delight in their children. That’s what kids are there for! They are “a gift of the Lord.”
Treat your children like a “reward” and “gift of the Lord.” They are living proof that God is good and that He loves you.
Good scriptural advice, my friend. I have 3 grown kids of my own and 2 grand kids.
thank you for the warm comment on my, TOM'S JOURNAL ! I know many people read it but few comment these days.
Bless you and your family!
Tom Schuckman
Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70
Jesus is Lord.
Hi Tom. Thanks and also you're welcome.
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