Thursday, June 30, 2022

"Choose Your Pathy"

Romans 12.15 NASU

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”

What ‘pathy’ am I on?
  • A-pathy ~ I could not care less. I feel nothing toward you.

  • Sym-pathy ~ I understand you are experiencing pain or joy. I express my understanding and acknowledge your feelings, but remain emotionally distant.

  • Em-pathy ~ I allow myself to genuinely feel and express your emotions.
Am I empathetic, sympathetic, apathetic, or plain pathetic? I certainly can’t fake it. There are times when I actually don’t care and wish to ignore the subtle request to provide a shoulder to cry on. I may not want to laugh at a silly joke. I often deem myself incapable or unqualified to enter the ‘feeling realm’ with another human. I cannot respond to every cry for help, so I erect an emotional wall shielding me from all but the most urgent or, in my opinion, the most legitimate of needs. 

This selection process allows me plausible deniability, so I can later claim, “I didn’t know.” But the real question is:  Should I have known? Or, would I have known if I had wanted to?

Upon reflection, perhaps there is a more self-serving, even sinister motive... “Which needs, after I have met them, will have an eventual outcome that serves or benefits me in some way?”

Real caring is a choice. If I am to shed tears when others cry or truly celebrate their happiness, then I must explore the idea of empathy; that is, learn to develop a well-functioning emotional radar capable of reading signals others are trying to emit. Without a finely-tuned, personal sensitivity meter, I may miss a chance meeting when I am most needed and waste my energy on low priority, safe, sterile, and comfortable caring gestures. 

What a waste! I may never share another’s sorrow when he learns his wife has terminal cancer. I could miss the opportunity to express joy when a friend is promoted to the position he always wanted. I might not connect with a person whose contact would enrich us both. Is it possible that I have not “shown hospitality to angels”  when I had the opportunity (Hebrews 13.2)?

Without empathy, I am a lesser man.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”

The wonderful images entitled "Empathy" and "Empathy x3" are used here by permission of Swedish photographer Per Jorisch (


One Sided said...

I love the fact that you make me think. I have shared this entry and your blog address with my Bible Class

May God continue to bless you


davescriven said...

Thank you Larry. Dave

Anonymous said...

Dave - I have personally benefited from your empathy. I've seen your ability to be present and invest yourself in another's situation. I suppose that rather than think of empathy as a gift, I am thinking it is a form of love that can greatly enhance the power of many of God's spiritual gifts.

I think we need to be vigilant. We must be open to, and expect Him to use our gifts to their fullest extent for His Glory and the edification of the body. I also agree with you, if we let him, God will not only replenish what we expend, but even give much more to those who already have much!

Thanks brother!

davescriven said...

Thank you Jeff for your good and kind words.


davescriven said...

Thank you Jeff for your good and kind words.
