Wednesday, May 11, 2022

"Been with Jesus?"

Acts 4.13 NASU

“Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.”

After a decades of separation, old friends may chance upon a surprise encounter at an unlikely place or time. One is startled to hear his name... “Frank? Is that you? It’s me... Harriet. Don’t you recognize me?” Recognition is sudden when the memory is jarred and a connection made: This person is not like all others.

Peter and John were recognized “as having been with Jesus.” Am I so recognized? Do I cause others “take note” (NIV); that is, stop and make even a casual observation... “Oh, another one of those Jesus followers!”? Am I only a professed follower of Christ, or one who actually spends time with Jesus? Do others recognize me as a real believer? If I look at myself through the eyes of others, will I detect evidence of Jesus’ influence? Am I recognizable “as having been with Jesus?”

I found this beautiful painting of Jesus holding a child at Branches of Christ Fellowship of Martin, Georgia ( I am using it here by permission of Pastors Charlie and Betty Rausch.

1 comment:

THE Second Coming Story said...

THE Second Coming Story On Sale NOW at...

Part 1...
"In My Heavenly Fathers Arms"
By Pamela June Hallock
Copyrighted January 31-2009

Claiming to have been with them ALL.
GOD... Our Heavenly Father (Twice),
Countless "Visits" w/Heavens Mother,
Jesus (in A few different ways),
ALL The Keepers of His Kingdom,
& A Few others from The "Other Side"